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IgG-to-Albumin Ratio, CSF


  • The two most commonly used diagnostic laboratory tests for multiple sclerosis are the CSF index and oligoclonal banding. The CSF index is the IgG-to-albumin ratio in CSF compared to the IgG-to-albumin ratio in serum. The CSF index is, therefore, an indicator of the relative amount of CSF IgG compared to serum, and any increase in the index is a reflection of IgG production in the CNS. The IgG synthesis rate is a mathematical manipulation of the CSF index data and can also be used as a marker for CNS inflammatory diseases. The index is independent of the activity of the demyelinating process.
  • Normal range:
    • IgG, CSF: 0.0 " “6.0 mg/dL
    • Albumin, CSF: 0 " “35 mg/dL
    • IgG-to-albumin ratio, CSF: 0.09 " “0.25


  • Diagnosis of individuals with multiple sclerosis


Increased In

  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • High normal values may indicate degenerative diseases such as cerebral or cerebellar atrophy, amyotrophic sclerosis, or brain tumor.


  • The CSF index can be elevated in other inflammatory demyelinating diseases such as neurosyphilis, acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy, and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
  • Oligoclonal banding in the CSF is slightly more sensitive (85%) than the CSF index. The use of CSF index plus oligoclonal banding has been reported to increase the sensitivity to >90%.
  • Normal levels can occur in incomplete obstruction of the spinal canal.
  • Increase in albumin alone can be a result of a lesion in the choroid plexus or a blockage in the flow of CSF.
  • Determination of myelin basic protein in CSF may be of use in diagnosis of multiple sclerosis or other active demyelinating processes.
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